Monday, February 8, 2010

"Pocket Parks" again

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James Kelly speaks out on public right-of-way land citing "security" as the problem.

He mentions some guy walking through the "pocket park" and unleashing his two pit bulls while the dog owner was drinking a beer. Jim, why didn't you call the police? What this guy did on both counts is against the law. If the guy was walking his dog, it was probably a neighbor.

The rights of way will be maintained as before. Nothing will be different. To even think of launching kayaks there is not a viable option and certainly environmentally unfriendly. These "parks" should remain exactly as they always have, for public access and owned by the City, not private homeowners. They will not be any more of a security issue than they ever have been.

Commissioner Mulvehill is looking after the rights of all Lake Worth citizens, not the few.

1 comment:

  1. Jim Kelly what do you not understand about public access ? The word access? The word public ? If you saw someone drinking a beer (open container) and with their dog off of the leash(we have leash laws in Palm Beach County-but it was probably one of your neighbors that you were too chicken to offend),why didn't you call the police? Did you just make the whole story up ? Maybe what Lake Worth needs to do is put a fence around YOUR neighborhood to protect the rest of US from people like YOU(too stupid to call the police when someone is breaking the law) and your Hillbilly neighbors .We need to keep YOU PEOPLE OFF OF OUR PUBLIC ACCESS ,WHICH IS THE WHOLE CITY OF LAKE WORTH !!! We will fence you and your neighbors into the pocket parks-just as long as YOU don't step foot in the rest of OUR city !!!!!Jim,please stay EAST of DIXIE-we don't want your kind on the west side-No offense,but YOU PEOPLE pose a SAFETY ISSUE for all of us trying to live quietly on the west side! We don't need YOUR kind over here on OUR public roads and right of ways,
