Thursday, February 18, 2010

Complete Idiot's Guide

Writing about Bryant Park and in Joe Kroll's moving the parking lot, the Lake Worth Herald writes today, "Kroll made a decision and perhaps he should have communicated it better to Stanton." Perhaps? No perhaps about it.

The Herald is purposely MISSING the point and skirting the truth in its editorial. Moving the parking lot WAS a big deal. This is not some minor little repair decision made out in the field. This is the parking lot in our major park. What was approved by the Commission changed when that decision to move our parking lot was made. It then became a NEW plan and should have come back to the City Manager and then the Commission. Staff went around the City Manager; Kroll authorized work without authority. Can you understand that yet?

We can't afford a run-away staff in the City of Lake Worth. We had it before with some staff and they are now terminated. It is the City Commission that is responsible and held accountable--that is not a making a mountain out of a molehill.

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