Thursday, February 4, 2010

Action hero disses Florida

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, while speaking at the Next American Economy Conference, said that "Florida is for the old people" and that no one wants to take a vacation in Iowa.

Now Arnold, we know that we all do not look like you even when we were in our 20's but your perception of Florida, just like your Terminator movies, is just plain fantasy!

  • Florida has no income tax
  • We have warm water. Try putting your toe in the Pacific in the middle of summer--frost bite.
  • Never gets too cold in Florida
  • Homesteaded property with $50,000 exemption
  • Flat, humid and we never see snow (well, hardly ever!)
  • We have the Everglades; California has Death Valley
  • Everything is cheaper here from food to housing
  • Florida has no earthquakes (We won't mention hurricanes)
  • California is invaded by illegal immigrants, mostly Mexicans. (Florida has all the rest)
  • California has great oranges--Florida's are better.
  • Florida has less people moving out of our State than does Califiornia
  • The number one destination state for people moving from Hawaii is California--the number one destination state for people moving from New York is Florida (not sure if this is a plus)
  • Florida is Republican; California is Democrat and look how they have screwed it all up!
  • California is bankrupt--Florida is not--yet.
  • Most of all, Governor, you don't have a Lake Worth "boy' and former Mayor running for District 89. :)

And a quote from The Terminator, "Chill out...dickwad." Come to Florida and enjoy a little piece of heaven.

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