Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4 at our Beach

Smart, practical, sympathetic and caring, believing that there is a right way and a wrong way, those born today are independent, excellent organizers and take control of their daily lives. Self-discipline and responsibility are a part of the Capricorn make-up.

My Mom was all of that and I honored her birthday today at John G’s, her favorite. She would have been 92. I miss her still.

Also, 84 years old today is John Jordan. A predominate trait of a Capricorn is geared towards leadership and achievement and telling it like it is. Congratulations to John. I admire his spunk!

Other than a few surfers in wet-suits, the beach was virtually deserted.

The beach was full of seagulls but this one wanted to be alone

The snowbirds did not even believe these temps!

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