Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Handful of Heavies

I left the meeting early last night. There was no use in staying any longer. The writing was on the wall for the rest of the night—the Commission was going to vote 5/0 on everything. Of course, they were going to talk it all to death. The only thing that was discussed that got a 4/1 vote was changing the November election to March. Jo-Ann Golden was the ONLY Commissioner who came out strong for moving it to March. Rene also thought it a good idea. Cara, of all people, tabled it indefinitely. She will constantly surprise. Saving money is a priority--sometimes.

Again, the Commissioners received a lot of comments from those who want to believe that it is all a political ploy to stay in office longer than their two year term. This Commission is now being lead around by the nose by a handful of very vocal citizens who see nothing good about much of anything other than a Proclamation for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day acknowledging January 18 as his “day.” This is already a national holiday, so why the political bull? Are we to honor all people on all national holidays? A Proclamation for Jesus next? Whatever happened to Veterans Day? We stopped even having a parade for Vets years ago…Hispanic Fest was more important.

Every environmental initiative brought forth by Commissioner Mulvehill was ridiculed by those still seeing their own truth of the matters at hand. A local blogger incited his friends. Mary Lindsey was in attack mode all night long and even was called out for it by the City Manager who said that “Mary is spitting out hatred that could last for five years.” She also said something about all the “crap” at the Podium. The Mayor had to ask her to refrain from using someone’s name in her remarks. Why?

In some ways this handful of “heavies,” who were determined to have a staring role last night, seem to have polarized this Commission. Everyone on the dais as well as the City Manager and the City Attorney have been brow-beaten and none of them are sure which way is up.

Part of the responsibility of being an elected official is not only to look at the big ticket items such as our budget, our Utility, our Beach, etc. but certainly to consider our environment here in Lake Worth and beyond. These issues have nothing to do with running for election. This is what responsible leaders do. To ignore them would mean overlooking one of the fundamental responsibilities of an elected official.

Do your job, Commissioners. Do not worry about this handful of heavies that have brought all of you to your knees.

Coming next, probably the billboard blight. That one was unbelievable!

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