Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The “Dirty Dozen” and Election 2010 - Part II

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We just learned that Jack Simons, A Realtor and someone who doesn't even vote in Lake Worth from what I understand, helped mastermind/organize the plan of the new Neighborhood Association, Genesis, with Mark Parrilla as President. They also have a goal to make the neighborhood associations much stronger within the city. Even Mayor Varela said during his campaign that he wanted to see the neighborhood associations with a stronger voice. They will be lobbying hard to all the NA presidents, trying to make the associations powerful political forces in support of their views. Also you will see a Plan and more and more discussion from the NA Council to increase membership within the various neighborhoods.

Mary Lindsey recently attempted to get Scott Maxwell appointed as the commissioner liaison to the NA Council. He attended the last Council meeting. Look for more demands from the Dirty Dozen to the NA's to make sure that their political beliefs are heard and understood at the various Neighborhood Associations. Their objective is to convince the President of each association about the "proper direction" for Lake Worth and then, once these Presidents are converted, their word is easily disseminated throughout every neighborhood in the city...another Jim Jones coup. Cool. They then "take-over" the neighborhoods without firing a shot. Convince the Top and it trickles down to its members. Once you control the neighborhoods and the majority of them are on board, you control the election.

Mark Parrilla is also Chair of the Community Relations Board, the very Board that turned in an RFP to do the 2010 Census after the group behind this managed to get Annabeth Karson fired on some trumped up charge. Mark Parrilla is an earnest guy who I believe wants the best for Lake Worth but sometimes it is hard to know who to trust particularly when it involves a city with so many problems. I have been fooled myself. Often times it is the guy who yells the loudest that will convince the most. Keep saying it over and over and over again and some of it will stick...this Group's mission. Let's face it.

Who were the people behind that action helping with the Census 2010 RFP for Parrilla's CRB Board? Who are the people behind this "hypnotization" of Parrilla? The very same people that helped Parrilla become President of this new Neighborhood Association. Loretta Sharpe is at the forefront of everything but a source told me that former CRA and P&Z member, Frank Palen, who resides in College Park, was an organizer. Some of the Dirty Dozen members also reside in College Park. Palen, if you recall, was/is the attorney for Schlesinger of the Gulfstream Hotel. This hotel still sits empty to this day nearly 5 years after Schlesinger bought it thanks to clever waivers and variances and constant allowed delays by our P&Z Board that was headed by Wes Blackman and now John Paxman who are affiliated with the "Dozen."

It is strongly rumored that one very important person behind the scenes in all of this and giving a lot of tactical pointers and legal direction is a former Mayor who just happens to be a LAWYER and who still has his foot in the door albeit behind the curtain. It makes sense because he was sent e-mails regarding the Lindsey group and assumed to be a member in the Group, (FACT) that was behind the deceptive flier, a flier that was based on total fabrication and lies. It was during his regime that all of our problems began. Although years ago Scott Maxwell ran against him and lost, they obviously have put aside their differences for the "good of the cause."

Some of these people are the reason why Lake Worth is in the financial mess it is in today because of their long-term plan that also involved the former Code Department to condemn and take over as many properties in Lake Worth so that it would open up development for them and their friends. It was said that our former city attorney had a drawer stacked to the brim full of possible foreclosures due to horrendous fines that owners could not pay, just waiting to be acted upon. Maxwell said recently that this same attorney is a good friend of his. I was told that Karns was seen waving a Varela sign during the election and is chummy with these folks.

Many of these people were behind the slum. They allowed the blight. They helped make the conditions that we are experiencing today all possible. As code fines were intensified and property owners could not pay, slum and blight took over neighborhoods. Property values plummeted; they could taste the money and envisioned picking up property for a song for their development interests.

There was one factor, however, that they did not consider. The economy caused more blight and more immigrants decided to live here as owners had to rent their houses at lower rents or they looked the other way as 20 of them occupied dwellings which caused even more blight and slums. And property values went down much more than the national average. We know all about the immigrant population, illegals migrating here from everywhere because of affordability. The word spread. It is estimated that one half of our population is made up of illegal immigrants. Their own plan backfired. They had created a nightmare. They had to blame someone.

Coming next--Part III


  1. Lynn, I suggest that you go out for a long walk, take deep breaths, think pleasant thoughts and then make an appointment with someone that can help you regain your touch with reality. There is so much misinformation here that it really falls into the category of "Fiction, Fantasy." You may have a future in that genre.

  2. Thanks, Wes. I knew that you would enjoy it.

  3. Wes Blackman,you are a disgrace. The board you ran existed for one reason-to do favors for any developer that wanted to come into Lake Worth. Your friends could get any variance,break any rule. The law did not matter. You and your board have caused the problems that this city is still struggling to recover from today.No rules,just favors,come on in boys and girls,build what you want,where you want it!John Paxman is another clone of you. John ,did you have money on the line in the Sunset property deal ? You certainly are still the cheerleader for this illegal deal.John, you need to step down NOW . Wes,did the Mary Lindsey FACT group use your bulk mailing number to put out that illegal flier using the city's return address? I also heard that our Mayor was cc'd on the FACT organizing e-mails,which makes Rene's involvement in all of this a crime.(You all know Rene,Loretta Sharpe and all of you in her crew couldn't even pronounce his name last year and now you guys are all under the same blanket, in the same bed) ! These people don't have to watch out for the bedbugs, because even bed bugs wouldn't bite any of these scummy people.Katie Mcgiveron

  4. From Jack Smons--


    Sorry, but couldn't post on your blog. maybe this way will suffice.

    Thanks Lynn for acknowledging my minimal input in forming the Genesis Neighborhood Association which is bounded by 6th and 12 Avenues South from I-95 to Dixie Hwy. Actually this 3 year effort also resulted in forming of the Hope Neighborhood association whose boundaries are Lucerne to South 6th and I-95 to Dixie.

    You may remember the Joint Workshop we had in the Summer of 2006 in which the PBSO designated the area north and south of 6th Avenue South from I-95 to Dixie as being the 3rd highest crime area in PBC. Noticing that the area was without NA representation and being frustrated in not getting more coverage of the area, I set upon forming the neighborhood associations to address the increasing crime and blight in that area.

    Many people helped in many ways at different times and the effort took an extended period of time. Now that the NA’s are in place, the real work starts. My suggestion to the NA’s is that their primary objectives over the short term be twofold:

    1) Take a physical survey of each NA, delineating the exact areas that need increased street lighting; need sidewalk and curb installation or repair; where the streets need repair; identify by street address the crack houses, houses of prostitution and overcrowded slum landlord buildings---It is hoped that this survey will be the basis for future CDBG and City CIP applications.

    2) Add to the existing COP program and form Neighborhood Crime Watches

    To date,

    1) There have been meetings with the PBSO (this had an attendance of 40+ and resulted in Capt. Silva suggesting monthly meetings with the NA’s and that a Partnership be formed to address the youth in school situations and in other activities to give the youth alternatives to Gangs)

    2) We have a meeting with approximately 15 minority church clergy to recruit them for participation in the NA’s and the aforementioned twofold short term Plan.

    As I have talked with you and Katie about having the NA’s sign with recorded Minutes on each Development Plan in their Neighborhoods (the same way CRA, P&Z and the City Commission), you understand my final objective for the NA’s.

    Any assistance, financial or otherwise would be graciously accepted and if desired, acknowledged.

    C: 954-815-4515

  5. Look this is just the manifestation of two different views on the future of LW. One is pro development (obviously) and the other is "people controlled" development which sometimes emphasizes "re-development."

    Identifying the pro-development faction is no act of genius and why should they appear insulted as if nobody knew?

    As for who is right and wrong, consider that we had to borrow 70 million (2004 bond) to increase our water and electric capacity because the pro-development faction stayed in power long enough to put us over the edge. It is a true environmental disaster when your wells fill with salt water because you can't pump enough water to keep up with the mindless uncontrolled development.

    The problem with all this is that usually the termites (land developers)make their $$ here and then swarm and relocate elsewhere where they find a new piece of wood to infest.

    So while they profit from the misuse of land here, they typically leave town before the bill comes due leaving us residents with a 70 million dollar price tag for the consequences of their greed and the corruption it produces.

    Or as it is now, some are still hanging around and regrouping to change the commission majority so they have a green light to usher in another building boom and more land misuse.

    One solution to all this might be to force developers to pay their fair share. Calculate the real future cost of further development and adjust impact fees accordingly so we residents don't have to keep paying so they can make money.

  6. Jack,we talked about a possible rental community on the Pugh property.I do not remember talking about NA's at all. Good luck in getting the residents involved.It's nice to know that you have finally seen the light when it comes to protecting our Lake Worth neighborhoods.When MY neighborhood was threatened by inappropriate density, you were helping the people that wanted to destroy the ROLOH neighborhood.You've just put in a 3 year effort in these other parts of Lake worth? Really ? Wish you could have lent us a hand over here. I guess your friends were trying to PROFIT from my area, so you kind of stayed elsewhere so as not to rock the profit margins,right? William is completely right.Only I would characterize people like Rodney Romano,Loretta Sharpe, Bo Allen, Dave Vespo,Nadine Burns, Retha Lowe, etc, more as DUNG BEETLES,not termites. We are a very promising little water front town. There is too much left for the SHI# EATERS TO RAPE for them to leave just yet.
