Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why not give Color Blind Cat a Chance?

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Just received my Lake Worth Herald and had a good laugh. I never received last week’s so probably missed another laugh or two. This paper is getting as bad as the Globe Magazine with them taking pot shots at citizens and writing stories based on someone else’s biased agenda, distorted view of the world or just plain outrageous, sensational lies.

Have you ever noticed when it is one of their political buddies who files a law suit there is dead silence or it is written in such a way that it is prejudicial to their political view? Have you ever noticed when any of these political people do cut throat things and lie during an election there is no mention of their actions? Flyers from LW Utilities? Robo calls made from the fire department’s phone number? My saying I want to burn down someone's business told by a total fabricator gets an entire page. Dumb stuff that never should be in print. OK with that, right? It happens all of the time with this newspaper and they quote some people as if they were experts or something.

They have been talking about the possibility of a Greater Bay law suit for over a year now, with glee I might add...same thing with the Sunset property. I think they sit around and hope for all these things to happen so they can say, "See, I told you so. You were wrong. We should have stayed in business with the flim flam guy." They hope for these law suits except, of course, when we win one.

Today there is a report on Annabeth Karson who will be working on the 2010 census. The complaint is not only about paying her $15,000 for a job that is worth 5 times that, but that Retha Lowe called her the R word. Yes, I said the R word. Is this some sort of a joke? Annabeth does not see color—ever! She believes that all people should have equal rights even to the extent of taking some of my chips. If Annabeth has any fault at all it is the fact that she is color blind!

The Herald says that the "Census can count on controversy." The only controversy here besides the Herald in its sensationalism are those who can't get over themselves who were quoted in the Herald article. Annabeth Karson is an activist who is well qualified, highly organized and will be very conscientious in getting this extremely important job done right.


  1. Another non story from the Herald. Retha Lowe saying ANYTHING about ANYBODY-well if that aint the pot calling the kettle BLACK (Uh oh,was that remark RACIST of me )? As far as I'm concerned, good luck to anybody that wants to tackle that job.Why didn't the Herald do a story about the census and its importance to Lake Worth for federal funding reasons? Oh well,you just can't fix stupid.

  2. All I can say is ... "Call 'em the way you see 'em, ump."

  3. Wow. I wish Retha Lowe would have put half the amount of energy she put into calling Annabeth a racist into answering my numerous emails and phone calls I left her when she was in office. I reached out to her requesting assistance when I was trying to organize a volunteer crew to clean up yards of foreclosed homes in District 1 where I live. NEVER GOT A RESPONSE!

    Happy Holidays,
    Mark A. Parrilla
