Monday, December 14, 2009

Why is Amendment 4 absolutely necessary?

Florida Hometown Democracy is getting its message to the citizens of Florida but it is fighting inept and sometimes greedy and corrupt elected officials, building associations, the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the free press. Sound daunting? It is.

During the course of many decades, elected officials have not always been transparent with the public. They have been allowed to get away with it and the practice is escalating. They have had out of the sunshine meetings with developers, owners and investors. They worry about their tax base and have made horrible decisions on growth without ever considering the real problems, the ones that got them into trouble. They have not been honest with the residents on all the costs affiliated with the changes to comprehensive plans--their votes from the dais for the benefit of developers and not those for whom they represent, the taxpayer.

Highly funded lobbies have become so powerful that they even have converted the free press. Newspapers are supported by the many who are out to quash Amendment 4--the builder groups and all those belonging to Chamber of Commerces throughout the State. Newspaper are having a tough time these days just getting people to subscribe. If they lose their advertisers, they might just as well close their doors. This is the main reason why we are getting so many one-sided editorials against Amendment 4. It always comes down to the almighty buck, never ethics or doing the right thing. News editorial boards also have a very big influence and they have forgotten the ideals for which they should adhere and have thus compromised them and been lead astray by money.

Money is a powerful force in the way you want to perceive and accept things...sort of like "I was only helping these stressed dolphins to ensure their health." Lake Worthians will understand that. Public service is a public trust and it encompasses every aspect of the elected official's life. The FBI recently said that its targets all displayed an unhealthy thirst for money, power and greed. Palm Beach County is an example of what is and has been wrong with those in power. There is no way that anyone can rationalize untrustworthy behavior no matter how hard they try.

Read the article by Richard T. Walker entitled Amendment 4 would ensure proper balance of power and you will understand why we, the average citizen in the State of Florida, are so frustrated. FHD is the ONLY solution that will ensure health and normalcy to the State.

I feel confident, in spite of the above obstacles, that the people will see through the mire. The only vote is YES in November 2010!

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