Friday, December 18, 2009

What goes around, Comes around

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Please forgive me when I say that I will not miss Tom.

His political shenanigans were often times too much to bear. He cultivated political cronies through the years and managed to get a lot of his friends elected, people that I might add, have done a lot of harm to Lake Worth.

He came down hard on the SuperMajority and took a prominent political stand against it not even allowing us to speak at his Chamber Forum. He was not the least bit friendly towards anyone with whom he even suspected did not agree with him. You were instantly his enemy. He bullied downtown merchants and many feared him. He bullied the school principal. He bullied private citizens. He used his power to destroy and was a "force to be reckoned with." And he surrounded himself with those with like views who cheered him on. He was their "man."

The Chamber’s web site states its mission:
The mission of the Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce is to foster and promote business growth through networking, education and leadership while preserving a positive community image. We serve as the liaison between business, government, and the community, providing member services and promoting economic development.

Our objective is to serve our membership and community through leadership, building a positive business climate while enhancing and protecting the quality of life for all.

Our Chamber of Commerce is here to develop, advance and promote all aspects of entrepreneurial, professional and civic welfare for Lake Worth. It is here to improve the business climate, not hinder it. Ending Evening on the Avenues is just one example where that leadership failed and the bully factor took over. It was not the way to make this community more prosperous. It did not demonstrate to the merchants that their best interests were at heart. He held the city hostage on this event. He held the CRA hostage as well.

It’s funny how things happen in this city. This last election gave Tom and his friends new found confidence. That confidence is being demonstrated in commission meetings as well as the Annabeth Karson firing blitz by those who have been big Tom supporters.

Now turn about is fair play I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. Tom Ramiccio was a liability and an embarrassment to the Lake Worth Camber of Commerce. It does not speak well of them that it took the Lake worth chamber so long to get rid of this clown.How much of the Chambers money was spent to defeat the Super majority? How much has been funnelled into the defeat of Amendment 4? Tom Ramiccio was allowed to treat the old Lake Worth police dept as his own private army. While I was LEGALLY collecting signatures for the Supermajorty in down town Lake Worth several years ago,Tom called out the SWAT team on me !I was not breaking the law in any way,but I was collecting signatures for SOMETHING TOM DIDN'T LIKE !!!! The police that asked me to shut down looked embarrassed by the whole thing,but they had been given orders from GENERAL TOM!I actually felt sorry for the poor guys. Being between Tom Ramiccio and a hard place is no place for anybody to be ! Two little old ladies talking to one of our down town merchants summed the whole thing quite well"Oh no,dear, you don't give the chamber CASH for ANYTHING ! you better use CHECKS "!!!!!
