Thursday, December 3, 2009

Voters need to take back control

Comment up

"Voters must take back control. Amendment 4 is the only way to bring accountability back to a broken growth planning system."

Read more of Lesley Blackner's Letter to the Editor in today's PB Post.

1 comment:

  1. In Oct of this year, over 3,000 new foreclosures were filed in PALM BEACH COUNTY ALONE ! The politician/developer fuelled disaster has crashed our states economy . Newspapers like the Post are suffering along with the rest of us,yet the Post and it's editors stubbornly want to keep riding the developer gravy train! The rest of us know that the gravy is gone and that the train has derailed! Why doesn't the POST ? Florida taxpayers are saying YES TO 4.Make a crooked politician cry. Vote yes on 4!
