Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Update to Sheriff's Helicopter Search and road blocks

The crime incident yesterday was at my home at xxxx Lake Osborne Drive. I came home for lunch and surprised burglars who had already broken both front door locks with a pry bar but had not yet entered the home. When I pulled in the driveway a dark gray car suddenly backed out of the driveway and headed south on Lake Osborne Drive, and I saw one black male (with dreadlocks tied back) flee across the front of the house and down our alley. I called 911 immediately. I tried to follow the car to get the license plates but was unable to catch them.

While driving back home I saw another black male, tall with a black shirt and baggy jean shorts running down Sunset towards 6th Avenue South. Two neighbors at the end of Collier also saw the man with dreadlocks running out of the alley.

The police used perimeter road blocks, a canine unit and helicopter to find the fleeing suspects and caught at least one. I was later taken by police to identify the man I saw running down Sunset shortly after the attempted robbery at my home. No one has found the pry bar so if anyone sees one in their yard, do not touch it and call the sheriff's office.

No items were stolen, only the front door and locks were damaged. Our dog is usually home but goes to work with my husband one day weekly and was not at the house yesterday. Also, either my son, myself, my husband are home for lunch, so it is strange that they tried to rob us at that time.

Ruth Lynch (and Dr. John "Terry" Lynch)

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