Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some Lake Worth Highlights for 2009


Rejected red-light image recording. Vote 4/1 with Clemens dissenting

Suspended activity with the County Water Contract. Vote 5/0

Commission authorized payment of the Motorola contract for police radios of $427,933.26 as the Sheriff had no use for them. Decide to sell them for pennies on the dollar.

Spent $2,085,985 on tube replacement to the S3 boiler. Vote 5/0

Charles Celi loses his appeal on the Gulfstream Hotel. 4/1 vote with Mulvehill dissenting

Kimley Horn selected for site plan development at our beach. Jennings brings Michael Singer Artist into the equation on Varela suggestion. Vote to eliminate 164 upper dune parking spaces and decal parking is limited to 55 spaces on northern end and spend $5 million on re-designing parking lots.

Interim Building Inspector who had re-flagged the Casino, gone. Forensic engineer hired who says building is structurally sound. Eventually the Commission votes to restore the Casino.

Public commentary changed to 2 minutes on each item. 3/2 with Clemens and Lowe dissenting

In March, prohibited the issuance of revocable permits on any real property owned or maintained by the City or has access to public waterways. Called for a Public Hearing. Vote 5/0

Larry Karns, City Attorney, terminated. 3/2 with Clemens and Lowe dissenting

Commission votes to exempt the CRA of County MSTU tax increments and approves an interlocal agreement with the County for Fire Rescue. 5/0

In March, Mock Roos says that we can build RO plant for 25% less

On April 7, Commission votes 4/1 to hire Susan Stanton as new city manager. Lowe says No. Stanton proceeds to fire many top employees.

Voted to spend $50,000 on an electrical arc study and Rebecca Mattey admits that our own staff engineer could have done it. Vote 5/0 to spend the money anyway.

Lake Worth Pier opens on May 9

Chicken Ordinance fails

Ordinance on Sunset to keep zoning at SF7. Vote 5/0

Commission votes to go downtown with a noise decibel meter. Residents nearby have complained about noise and how it affects their sleep.

Vote not to pay the County $5.9 million under the Water Contract. 4/1 with Clemens dissenting. Mary Lindsey sides with Clemens…something to do with breaking contracts even though they might be hideous for Lake Worth and the taste of West Palm Beach water that we only buy when needed.

Community Relations Board formed on 2nd Reading in June. Vote 5/0

Celi’s appeal and Motion to deny the extension of the Gulfstream Hotel. 3/2 vote with Clemens and Lowe dissenting. Motion failed because it needed a supermajority vote.

Commission wastes $300,000 by spending $565,000 by bypassing insurance company requirements on transformer. NO valid reason for doing this. Vote 5/0

Take-over of CRA on July 23, fails on a 2/3 with Clemens, Lowe and Mulvehill dissenting. Mary Lindsey says that the qualifications for the CRA Board are more demanding than for City Commissioner.

City Hall ups the fees for public information. Vote 4/1 with Jennings dissenting

Rates go up for just about everything: water, electric, recreation

2nd Reading on Sunset repealing Ordinance on a large scale amendment. Vote 5/0

Approves contract with Reynolds to construct a 9.0 MGD RO plant. Vote 5/0

Heights limited to 35 feet for new construction. 3/2 with Clemens and Lowe dissenting.

Adopted the Comprehensive Plan with amendments. 3/2 with Clemens and Lowe dissenting.

Rene Varela, partner in a company that is involved in Dolphin trafficking, voted in as Mayor. Deceptive flier mailed around city by Mary Lindsey indicating it is from the LW Utility Dept. Deceptive robo call made by Firefighter’s Union using Lake Worth city phone number in support of Varela. City makes NO comment.

Scott Maxwell voted in as Commissioner District 1. Jo-Ann Golden voted back in as Commissioner District 3.

Former Fire Chief Blockson says he is screwed out of accumulated sick pay benefits because the firefighter's went to the County. Stanton's position is you only get it if you retire. Chief speaks on the issue at public meetings and City Commission is silent.

City Manager hires Annabeth Karson for Census. Gives it back to the Commission to decide. Stanton says not aware of political ramifications. "Political witchhunt" from handful of residents against Annabeth Karson who is subsequently fired from her Census job. Commission goes out on RFP.

Commission approves Publix going into our downtown. CRA gives Publix, a multi-billion dollar corporation, $500,000 for infrastructure.

Compass, that occupies a city building for $83.00 a month, asks for money from the City because it spent more than anticipated to occupy the building and is about to go belly-up. City authorizes $250,000 to Compass.

Tom Ramiccio gets fired as CEO of the Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce.

Then we have the new lawsuits:

Former fired Utility employees sue the City for Whistleblower termination. Former Mayor Clemens calls employees "liars" in public meeting.

Greater Bay sues the City for kicking them out of town for non-performance.

Sunset parcel owners notify the City that they want the up-zoning promised to them by former Commission.

Shepherds sue the City because they want the right-of-way next to their property that leads to the Intracoastal to be theirs for $10.

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