Saturday, December 26, 2009

Over Christmas and Ms. Cleo

Photos are from Christmas Eve at Atlantis and
Christmas Day at the McNamara's

I remember the first time I saw Ms. Cleo live--it was at the Lake Worth City Hall Commission meeting. I have no clue as to what she was addressing...probably Compass or something, I just remember her. She was a formidable presence, tall, nice looking and eloquent.

Ms. Cleo is known for being a psychic and a spokeswoman for a psychic pay per call in the late 1990's and early 2000's. You probably remember it on television. It has also been claimed that she earned around $13.5 million off this scam.

I learned yesterday at Christmas dinner that this was all untrue. She only made $3,000 from the deal and was scammed herself.

One thing for sure, she makes a heck of a berry pie and the McNamara's are gracious hosts. Laurence McNamara cooked the best turkey I have ever had!

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