Sunday, December 27, 2009

One of the Post's top photos of 2009 - Circle of Light

Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill giving statement

One of the highlights of 2009 was Suzanne Mulvehill's
Circle of Light
The Lake Worth Casino.

On 2/22 at 2, citizens of Lake Worth circled the casino in support of restoration and pride in our history. Through a lot of work, dedication and determination, our Casino was finally saved from demolition and the developer factions that wanted to knock it down. After being red-tagged three times, the City hired a forensic engineer who certified that the building was structurally sound. The Commission then had a consensus to restore it.

Today, the Post depicts the Circle of Light as one of its top photos of 2009 and it is on the front page of the Accent section. To see Bruce Bennett's photo, click on the LINK and then click on the photo.

From left to right in the Post photo starting with the red shirt: Robert Waples, Me, Chad Drake, James Addison, Dee McNamara and Laurence McNamara.

Katie and Shae McGiveron and Commissioner Mulvehill

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