Friday, December 18, 2009

Offshore drilling

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Another highly appropriate and responsible resolution was passed and approved on Tuesday night.

Commissioner Jennings makes the motion to oppose offshore drilling off the State of Florida


  1. An e-mail from a reader--

    Lake Worth is suffering from both a 'cascading effect' (people who will believe anything rather than investigate) and the 'Dunning/Kruger effect.'

    Cara's resolution is nuttier than a pet squirrel. Has no one informed her that more oil is released from seep holes on the ocean floor than has ever been lost in wars and environmental spills? Tapping into those oil reserves not only releases the pressure but actually reduces the spilling effect.

    The nuts in this world are taking over and common sense is being ushered to the back-of-the-bus.

  2. There have been numerous reports from various sources even the Sun Sentinel that said, If a leak should occur, Florida's rapid "loop current" could carry an oil spill into the Florida Keys, the Gulf Stream, the Florida Straits and eventually north to southeastern Florida beaches. The Sun-Sentinel reported that "even a small oil spill ... would threaten the ecosystem of the Keys and potentially pollute the eastern shores."
