Thursday, December 24, 2009

Obama Health-Care

Just a thought on the health-care plan.

It was stated that the legislation would ban the insurance industry from denying benefits or charging higher premiums on the basis of preexisting medical conditions. My question is, will the insurance industry be charging premiums based on your health and your age?

Right now we know for instance that women are charged more than men for health insurance. We live longer. Will the health-care insurance companies rate the consumer like the car insurance industry does...the more accidents, the higher the rate? I break a toe, my rate goes up?

Although the government says that they must spend 85% of all premiums collected on health-care, we know that insurance companies are in collusion and they are here to make big bucks. They play games with people all of the time. When looking for auto insurance, you are forced to shop around to get a better rate. Is this what we will have to do with health-care? Is this all a game? Is this all about getting something passed by Christmas?

If anyone knows, please comment.

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