Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Message from Lake Worth High School Drama Teacher

Written to the Dorseys

My name is Ryan Lee and I am the Drama Teacher at LWHS. And I have a great opportunity for high quality entertainment.

At 7pm this Friday December 11th and Saturday December 12th, Lake Worth High School Trojan Players will present “Thoroughly Modern Millie.” A Tony Award winning Broadway musical about the roaring ‘20s. This High School production has been several weeks in the making and is being praised by many individuals that have seen it. Tickets are only $8.00 at the door. So, come and check out this toe tapping musical and see the quality show that Lake Worth High School can do.

I would like to thank you for your overwhelming support of our historic High School. Your support and dedication to great education at this school has made Lake Worth what it is today.

Thank you,

Ryan Lee

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