Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry X'mas but it will Cost ya

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Using the Obama phrase “change” and saying that “change is never easy but change is what’s necessary in America,” Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska got back in the good graces of President Obama. He was holding out for his little piece of the quid pro quo on the Health-Care Plan and he gave the President as well as the private Insurance industry one big X’mas present. His vote, in favor of the plan after concessions, means that it will probably pass on X’mas Eve.

As more and more polls indicate, 80% of American citizens who say that they are happy with their present health-care are against this health-care overhaul with only 38% approving it according to the Rasmussen Poll taken at the end of November. They say that it is not affordable and that they will get less coverage than they presently have.

Health-care lobbyists spent $486 million last year and so far this year they have spent $396 million but the entire tab is not in. The average citizen can not get fair representation when this much money is at stake and a President who is not listening to those very same citizens who will pick up the tab. But government always knows better than the very citizens it governs.

What will Obama get for Xmas?
A health-care plan and a government insurance option dropped...
Lowering the age from 65 for Medicare to those 55 or older was dropped...
His legacy for the history books...
36 million more people insured...
Possible defeat at the polls

What will the American people get?
$400 billion in new taxes over the next 10 years...
$500 billion in reductions to older (and the majority of whom are poor) people already on Medicare...
Every American would be required to obtain insurance or be fined $750 a year or 2% of their income which ever is greater...cost uncertain...
The loss of Freedom to choose what is in your plan...
The loss of Freedom of being rewarded for healthy living...
The loss of Freedom to choose high deductible coverage...
The loss of Freedom to keep your existing plan

What did Senator Ben Nelson get?
Full federal funding for Nebraska to expand Medicaid at no cost to its citizens...
Exemption for the insurance tax for Mutual of Omaha...
Concessions on Abortion option

What do the insurance companies get?
30-36 million new customers...
No competition from a government insured plan

What do the Drug companies get?
No competition from drugs from foreign countries--they are banned from the Plan

What does AARP get?
35 million unhappy members

What do the Supreme Court Justices get?
An entire plan that is unconstitutional.

1 comment:

  1. The Democrats have just committed mass political suicide.AARP has just lost over 80% of it's members. Obama has become a political liability larger than even Jimmy Carter,and that's saying something.
