Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Just the nitty gritty of last night's commission meeting

Last night’s commission meeting was a City manager’s dream—everything passed unanimously—nothing was even pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion. A few on the dais mentioned the lengthy meeting but I remember meetings getting out at Midnight or even later so this was normal to me, 4.5 hours of discussion. The new Mayor did an excellent job in conducting the meeting. His supporters were in the Chamber.

As I want to understand the items and this is exactly what the public needs, we do not need decisions made behind closed doors by the city manager in advance, so when everything is passed on Consent with no discussion, it leaves the public literally out in the cold.

At least the Lime Sludge Removal and Disposal went out to bid. PJ’Lansdcaping came in as the lowest bidder. It was extremely low compared (around 36% lower) to the next highest bidder. That would have red flagged this for at least a question or two.

The next was the maintenance repair of the S-3 generating unit that did not go out for bid. The only thing about this is where the utility director used a scare tactic, once again, by saying that this is an emergency procurement and a delay such as competitive bidding would cause “serious threat to life, safety, health, or property.” This was NOT an emergency.

They passed the purchase of the Mack truck rear loader for $203,785 and waived bidding. Nearly $100,000 of options were tacked on to this purchase. I would have least asked a question or two on the option necessities.

Virginia Thomas came before us once again to ask for $500 for her Magic Dance. She has done this every year for fifteen years. Why can’t any administration just get it the budget. We had already implemented a policy that if anyone came before us asking for anything and it was not in the budget it would be denied. This continues to happen. It is a small thing but one that is unnecessary. Maybe we just like to see Virginia.

I had no idea about the vote to have an Audit Committee. It was not discussed. One thing for sure, I do not want our finances becoming political like everything else is in this city. Who will be on this Committee to decide on a new auditing firm? Is it someone with knowledge of budgets, city government? I honestly do not see the necessity of an Audit Committee. Let’s just get the outside Audit of our Utility Department, something I have been asking for years. And also, where is the Scott Menke internal audit report that the city says does not exist?

Mary Lindsey and Loretta Sharpe sat together and talked on the very same items. One that came up under new business was Suzanne Mulvehill’s request to use $25,000 in State Forfeiture Funds for a domestic violence awareness/education campaign. Maxwell and Varela grilled the woman from AVDA for about 45 minutes. This was passed unanimously with Cpt. Silva clinching that vote after his support of the issue. Maxwell and Varela at that point had no other choice other than to look silly. The best quote that came out of this segment was when Rene said, “I know the difference in animal abuse.” Varela did not bring the dolphin issue up last night and I am rather sure he wants to sweep it under the rug. The Environmental Coalition has told him that they will be watching. We all will.

The beach site plan was put on the agenda at the last minute and now will be discussed on December 8 at 7pm and voted upon.

During public commentary I asked about the billboard blight and never got a satisfactory explanation as to what is going on with this company that refuses to pay us. We have no idea what issues this company has--whether they are even legitimate. They have held up payment for two years under a contract that was forced down our throats by Larry Karns. I want the signs removed.

Jo-Ann Golden is once again our Vice Mayor with Suzanne Mulvehill as Vice Mayor Pro-Tem.

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