Thursday, December 17, 2009

Good News at Lake Worth High School

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Contact: Debi Stewart, (561) 434-8622

Lake Worth High School Academic Team Brings Home Honors

Competitors Battle in Math, English, Science, Arts and Humanities

The Lake Worth High School Academic Team (A-Team) scored third place in the recent county wide academic competition. They finished in the top half of the event after displaying their academic aptitude along with schools such as Park Vista, Spanish River, and Atlantic. The county wide competition consists of general categories such as Math, English, Science, Arts and Humanities.

Students Meher Farooq, Cindy Dameus, Taylor Barahona, Masood Mohammed, Abby Doyle, and Danessa Jerome all helped bring home the third place honors. information and application of the above categories. Each category is comprised of sections. Math consists of geometry, integrated math, and pre-calculus. English consists of grammar, syntax, and literature (both European and American). Science consists of chemistry, biology, astronomy, and physics. Fine arts categories are music, drama, and art (both European and America), and history consists of both European and American (ancient through contemporary times).

The A-Team is open to any students who are interested, although the general requirements are academic excellence and superior knowledge of the stated categories.

For more information, contact Brett Packard at Lake Worth High School, (561) 533-6300 or email

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to these Lake Worth High school students for all of their hard work ! Great job, we are all proud of you !!!
