Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Commissioner Jennings takes a stand on clean energy

“We, young elected officials of the United States, believe freedom, independence, and self sufficiency are at the heart of America, and should be at the heart of our strategy for energy independence in the 21st Century. As elected representatives with a personal stake in our future, we believe it’s time for a bold, new vision for America’s future. We call on Congress to start investing in new, safe energy technologies like wind and solar power that will rebuild our manufacturing base, create jobs, and grow our economy. We need to put millions of Americans back to work refitting our homes and buildings for energy efficiency with jobs that can’t be shipped overseas. The United States can lead once again by forging a bold, binding, and just agreement in Copenhagen that will secure a safe and abundant world for future generations of Americans.”

While climate negotiations are going on in Copenhagen, Andy Katz, Chair of the Sierra Club California said, “Revitalize our economy with clean energy jobs. Young Americans have the most at stake – and the highest price – if we fail to solve the climate and clean energy crisis.”

The statement to President Obama attracted support from over 95 young elected city council members, mayors, and state representatives from 30 states, one of whom was our own Commissioner Cara Jennings.Source: The Youth Climate Movement

Even The Sierra Club has been called "racist." Does Commissioner Jennings know this?

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