Friday, December 11, 2009

Calling the Kettle Black

Yesterday, three ethics complaints filed by John Pickett, Brendan Lynch and Mary Lindsey were dismissed by the Ethics Commission relative to Commissioner Cara Jennings and the Nature's Way incident. Jennings threatened the owner with a boycott if he allowed Maxwell there for a campaign party.

Personally, I think Commissioner Jennings was wrong in every respect. Even to this day she is insisting that the group FAIR, is a hate group. It is not. What was done to Scott Maxwell was a travesty and clearly an abuse of power, IMO.

Mary Lindsey said, "If Commissioner Jennings' actions toward the Nature's Way Cafe owner are what passes for ethical behavior, it's no wonder that the people of Florida have so little faith and confidence in our elected officials or in the state's ability and willingness to hold them accountable."

Now Mary, what about your deceptive flier during the campaign against Laurence McNamara? Is this not the pot calling the kettle black?

It seems, that you can get away with just about anything in politics. You can say or do anything with no repercussions. Even the newspapers are in collusion. Look for all future campaigns to get even nastier in Lake Worth.

P.S. If anyone is running for election with whom you disagree, be sure they are not best friends with the local news editor; be sure to find out where they are getting their printing done and be very cautious when entering that establishment to do business.

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