Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blitzkrieg in Lake Worth

This was a messy past doubt about it and some who pulled dirty tricks firmly believe that they will get away with it and no one can or will do one damn thing, not even City Hall. Their guy has been elected now, so that little slap on the hand won't hurt. Deceptive practices have not been addressed other than by the City Manager's secretary--the only one with an opinion. No one is talking. Everyone is hiding. "What deceptive practices?" Those involved have stepped up their game and now are behind the scenes to get Annabeth Karson fired from her new position with the City.

I want to suggest that Wes, Mary, Loretta and The Lake Worth Herald head up the 2010 Census. Afterall, they are the least divisive in the entire City of Lake Worth and everything they do is based on FACT, not fiction—based on truth, not rumor and based on apple pie and the American way.

It is truly deplorable and shameful when we have a hardworking citizen who has literally walked every street in this city every year for the last five years to be denigrated in such a manner and to be lobbied against in this fashion not only by the above but by former Mayor Jeff Clemens and former Commissioner Retha Lowe whose most original thought was kicking around some football. She still sees “racists” under every rock.

Annabeth Karson was hired as Co-Chair of the 2010 Census Complete Count Committee in Lake Worth for $15,000. Clemens was quoted as saying this was “a lot of money.” A LOT? Ok, sorry. I forgot. We need to put Jeff Clemens on the team to help with the Census. He is out of a job right now and perhaps $15,000 sounds like a lot of money to him.

All of these people mentioned above have had a conniption since they heard that Annabeth was hired for this extremely important job saying that she was “divisive” and that she was going to now have some unfair advantage of compiling voting lists for her future candidates. Like she will have the time people! HELLO!

Annabeth Karson is very well qualified to do this job and she will do it over and above what most anyone else could ever accomplish here. You can’t beat her organizational skills and it will take someone with those special talents and one who is diligent in order to accomplish the most accurate count possible. To suggest firing her because of false allegations and trumped up conspiracy theories tells me that some in this City have a hell of a long way to go before they can be trusted. It's even worse when you can no longer trust "news."

And Susan Stanton, with all that she has been through since she was fired from Largo, should be cognizant of this political and devastating charge against Annabeth and weigh it for what it's worth.

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