Thursday, November 19, 2009

Varela to be Sworn In Friday

Comment Up
Laurence and Deborah Smith at Havana Hideout

Rene Varela will be sworn in on Friday at City Hall at 3:30pm. Read the Post article and make a comment.

Lake Worth campaigns are no longer just about door knocking. This is a job that doesn't even pay minimum wage. It has become very sophisticated here and now in order to win, you have to have the money to hire a lean machine and have a good organization and campaign manager behind you. You must network and build alliances. It has become standard to raise $20,000 or more. This election was very expensive. Rene had a balance of $6,720.75 before the run-off. Varela raised $23,105 just for the run-off with $13,200 of that total a loan. He received 1,629 votes. It would be cheaper to advertise and give every voter $10 just to vote for you.

It is ironic to me that some say Laurence ran a negative campaign. He didn't. If you want to call dolphin trafficking negative, then so be it. I call it the truth. That is not negative campaigning. What was negative, however, were things I have already mentioned on my blog done by people supporting Varela, not necessarily Rene himself. Negative was the smear campaign done on the Town Toilet. Candidates have some control but certainly are not responsible for every over zealous supporter. Knowing that supporters are going out with certain literature, robo calls from City Hall etc. and looking the other way does not let you off the hook for dirty tricks.

Laurence McNamara did call Rene Varela election night but he did not answer his cell phone. Congratulations were left on the answering machine but no return call has been received by McNamara from Rene. Is he starting this "out in the cold" promise already?

1 comment:

  1. Rene Varela's win:
    Business as usual for Lake Worth.
    A blessing to wild dolphins.
    (Hey,maybe that mysterious City of Lake Worth robo call for Rene that no one will admit to was REALLY FROM THE DOLPHINS ) !!!!!!!
