Friday, November 6, 2009

Supporter of Amendment 4 , Kenneth Weiss

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“The fact of the matter is, the other side simply doesn’t tell the truth,” said Kenneth Weiss, a Treasure Island attorney who represented the group Citizens for Responsible Growth in its opposition of high-rise development in areas like St. Peach Beach. A supporter of Amendment 4, Weiss is credited by some as being the first to get a Hometown Democracy-style process established in the small Pinellas County city.

“The premise is very simple: We want to give the citizens the right to determine how their community will look, and with this provision in place, it will require developers and commissioners to put something in front of voters that is reasonable,” Weiss said. “I clearly believe citizens are smarter than developers and can make these kinds of decisions.”

Next November, the only vote is YES on Amendment 4.

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