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In The Neighborhood News today, Mary Lindsey is quoted along with Panagioti Tsolkas and Vince Rogers, President of Tropical Ridge Neighborhood Association regarding the intent of Publix to build a 28,000 square foot store at 2nd Avenue North and Dixie Highway. The article mentions the CRA's give-away to Publix of one half million dollars of taxpayer money as an incentive.
I still can't figure out why everyone neglects the fact that we have a Publix directly west of the railroad tracks at I-95 at 1900 Lake Worth Road when they are searching for a grocery store. This IS Lake Worth.
I agree with Panagioti 100% when he said-- "The CRA is not an investment firm," said Panagioti Tsolkas, co-chair of the Palm Beach County Environmental Coalition. "It's an organization whose mandate is to fight blight. They could be spending those dollars in the neighborhood to improve parks, housing and small businesses. It just shows you where their priorities are."
Read more of the article HERE
New CRA board-same old crap. I hope this board gets taken over by the Commission. Vince is right-a MULTI-BILLION dollar company should be paying US for the right to come into our city and do business. The western part of the city has been trying to get the train horns silenced for three years now. JOE KROLL has had every thing that needs to be done handed to him on a silver platter. He refuses to do it. This will cost about 12,000 dollars, and is a huge quality of life issue.500,000 vs 12,000,multi-billion dollar Corp. vs sleepless taxpayers. Go figure.