Friday, November 20, 2009

"Promises Are Made to be Broken"

Remember the quote, "Promises are Made to be Broken?" There are some voters that actually believe in the Varela campaign promises such as Carol on Collier. She says that she just loves Rene Varela because "he is going to bring our city together." No one knows what that means but it sounds good. Most of the Varela supporters do not want that at all. Rene has a talent of targeting his audience, saying what the people want to hear. Of the "Haves" and the Have-Nots," they want the NOTS to disappear.

Between residences and businesses, the largest amount of taxes are paid by homeowner’s here in Lake Worth. Part of the special interests that helped Varela get elected are our businesses and it seems that he has promised EQUAL ELECTRIC RATES for residential and commercial. He has PROMISED this! But I read this in the LW Herald.

Now one of his campaign promises was to provide economic stability for the residents. He also said that he wanted to make our community affordable. These two promises were made over and over again. If we have equal utility rates, how will this happen when residential rates are now $30 less than commercial enterprises per 1,000 KWH? We have homeowners who can’t afford their electric bill as it is now.

Does this maybe have something to do with the "re-engineering" of our utility plant and building a new one that he has talked about? We have a bond debt that pertains to our present Utility System of $66,000,000 (that's MILLIONS) that would make it financially impossible to build a new plant.

Perhaps this is what Varela means about "green" energy.

Another quote to remember is, A truer test of character cannot be found than when a promise is kept!

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