Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The People have Spoken

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Mayor - LAKE WORTH (Vote For 1)

14 of 14 Precincts Reporting

Laurence McNamara
Rene' A. Varela



  1. That's right Lynn, the people have spoken. Can't wait to see how you will put your usual negative spin on it: "people voted against cara" "robocalls from the city convinced people to vote for rene!" "the people of lake worth hate dolphins!"

    I hope rene has the guts to pave over every inch of Lake Worth starting with filling in Lake Osborne. Feel free to steal that line as something you overheard one of Rene's supporters advocating. That is just the kind of crazy rhetoric you seem to endorse.

    In all seriousness, some of the same people who previously supported McNamara's ideal of preserving every square inch of Lake Worth ever built has seen that it has done nothing to help the city. (Old Bridge Park, really? A parking lot is now a glorified park? How is this bringing in tourists? How is it attracting business? WYat kind of tax revenue is generated from the park?) Yes Lynn, an increase in business leads to an increase in tax revenue which in turn leads to residential tax decreases. You should try taking a general economics course. Saying "eliminate waste" as a cure all to the city's budget deficit is one-dimensional and does nothing to solve the long term problems. Is there waste to be cut? Of course, but the city won't grow and be an attractive place to live, work and do business in unless some concessions are made. McNamara had one issue, the beach/casino. The city's problems are about so much more then that. McNamara had no ideas on how to increase business in the city, how to cut taxes, or how to deal with our utilities. Going forward, Rene has the ideas and support to get things done. Hopefully he won't be hobbled by a few commissioners with hard feelings and pet issues.

  2. My "spin" is above.

    Now, we have to start on restoring the Casino and getting things done this year that are in place by the present Commission.
