Monday, November 23, 2009

Neighbors cry Foul about Fowl

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Every now and then you spot one of these birds as you drive down one of our streets west of Dixie. There used to be some in Tropical Ridge...still are I guess. Just recently a woman was cited on an Ordinance violation for having a chicken and a rooster in her yard on South L Street. Neighbors had complained about all the noise. She was raising them and was issued a notice to appear in Court.

People are doing their jobs in Lake Worth. The problem is there are so many violations. Be diligent. When you see something in your neighborhood, go on-line and download the on-line complaint form and mail to 1900 2nd Ave North, LW, 33461. You must sign your name. Once the City gets bombarded by code violations, it will be forced to reconsider its position.

We can no longer afford to look the other way to these deplorable conditions. We have been under siege by absentee landlords, a few slum landlords, people who have invaded our city from different cultures and those who have no pride in their community or where they live.


  1. You don't even need to waste a stamp! Below is the link to the city's on-line complaint form.{3E3BD6C7-C8CB-4C70-BBFF-AAEE81272812}

  2. Thanks for the info,RJ. I'll pass it on to our neighborhood association.Just what we need in Lake Worth- MORE CHICKENS!What don't people understand about the word ILLEGAL ????I hope that the city fines this person with the chickens.
