Monday, November 16, 2009

A Mayor you can Trust

A candidate you can Trust

Lois is a mayor. Rene wants to be mayor. They are both political. Does anyone trust a politician?

Lois Frankel, Mayor of West Palm Beach is always in the news for something. Just recently she gave the political response that she would not run for Robert Wexler's seat in Congress stating that she just did not have enough time to make the transition with a February 2, 2010 date of the Democratic Primary.

Do politicians ever speak the truth? She can't beat Ted Deutch.

Now Lois can cool down in her $13,323 office shower that was paid with taxpayer money and worry about all the taxes she had to raise because of that $12 million shortfall in her budget. One thing for sure, her running for Mayor of West Palm Beach was not a stepping stone to higher office, unlike Rene Varela in Lake Worth should he win tomorrow.

When I read the endorsement again this morning in the PB Post for Varela, it was unsettling to say the least and even a little bit "silly." Quotes from Varela:
  • Lake Worth is struggling with its electric distribution system according to specifications.
  • He favors building a new power plant sized to meet Lake Worth demands
  • Does not want to go back on the previous City's commitments on the Resource Center.
  • Says crime has dropped throughout the City since we went with the Sheriff's department. I guess he believes in that myth.
  • Says the Casino can wait until the City figures out what to do.
  • Says the City should do what is necessary to collect the $5 mil grant from the County
The Post says we need more balance on our Commission and assumes that Laurence McNamara is part of the Jennings coalition. Who tells the Editor of the Post these things? Is it still the Clemens influence as he once worked for them? The only balance we want is for an elected official to do his homework and make the RIGHT decisions for Lake Worth and stop making costly ones like "I will never drink West Palm Beach water" and then votes to become a buyer of water rather than a supplier.

Laurence McNamara has agreed with Jennings when she has made the correct decisions, not when she hasn't. He has spoken on the record regarding every major issue in this City. We know where he stands. We know what he has done for the City. We are clueless as to Varela and his positions other than what he has said during election campaigning. I thought we all would get to know Rene over this year but he was not around City Hall that much.

Do you want to believe in a career politician or a candidate you can trust?

Varela is a politician. McNamara is not. McNamara has integrity and is someone we can trust who has no ambition other than improving the City of Lake Worth through thoughtful analysis and complete understanding of the issue at hand. Why can't all candidates as well as the Post be as honest as McNamara?

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