Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's all in the Perception

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Once again, Varela fliers were outstanding…the best of the entire campaign.

Varela raised 27,060 with $11,000 of that being loans. Expenses came to $15,578.51. I am off $10 from the T-Report. So, once he pays himself back, he is left with just enough to have one grand party. Victory party? We will know after 7pm on Tuesday.

  • Great fliers
  • Great campaign
  • Great politicking behind the scenes with those who could help
  • Great capitalization on public sentiment

It took one more year for Rene to turn it around. One thing for sure, Varela has a lot of support in College Park and Tropical Ridge. College Park for the business angle and Tropical Ridge for the slum and blight angle and both for the anti Cara angle. Varela did some Crime Walks in Tropical Ridge and sympathized. Both these neighborhoods are strongly anti Cara Jennings and have spread the word aligning Laurence with her. For some reason, Laurence McNamara who actually got out there and physically did something for the blight in our City, is taking the fall for what’s wrong with it with these groups when in fact he has always tried to improve our city. It's not all about talk with him. He has walked the walk.

All those who contributed to the Varela campaign are making a big statement—NO more anarchists. No more socialists. No more illegals. No more slum and blight. No more crime and filth. No more Cara Jennings. Even the reprehensible dolphin trafficking was ignored by them. They did not care. That immorality was not as horrible as our city decaying before their very eyes and they refused to even acknowledge it. They are saying, "Enough is enough." They blame every ill of our city on Jennings and anyone who has ever said that she has voted correctly on anything. Rene has even said that the restructuring of our code department is something for which he agrees. But these groups are only seeing one thing.

Bottom line—We are a city in crisis. When you are in bankruptcy mode, do you hire someone with NO experience? Do we need a Mayor who needs on the job training or should we vote in someone who can jump right in and get the job done and has no other ambition but to work diligently for Lake Worth?

Some believe that a vote for Varela is a vote for Clemens. Jeff Clemens is the one who got him to run when he had bowed out. Clemens, the politician, understood that the time was right even though he is the one who voted on The Mentoring Center, kicking the Seniors out. Clemens assessed correctly on the time. Now it is time for the voters to do the same.


  1. Lynn,

    I agree we should NOT hire someone with no experience which one of the many reasons I will not be voting for Larry. What experience is it that he has?

    Rene is a business man who WORKS and can assess and solve problems.

    Vote for Varela.

  2. The experience that Laurence has is his deep involvement in Lake Worth government and all of the issues. His countless hours at all city commission meetings and various Board meetings throughout the past 8 years has afforded him untold knowledge, unlike his opponent. He has involved himself in the city and has volunteered for many things even going to far as to clean up the beach. He saved our casino from private hands and our beach is totally public thanks to his involvement. He has been in back of many campaigns that have won at the polls for the citizens such as saving public land from being sold or leased without the vote of the citizens and at his expense. He is a businessman. His ethics are above reproach. He has always been a gentleman. He would make a great representative for our City and he is the only one who can work with the present Commission. He thoroughly understands where we are going with the Reverse Osmosis and our Utility and our Casino. He spoke in favor of exiting FMPA which will eventually save all the residents money. He has worked closely with Straticon in refurbishing our Casino that will go out on a Revenue Bond not costing us anything and once completed, we will be the tourist destination that we deserve to be. He has been behind so many good things for the city that they are too numerous to mention. I thought most people knew Laurence's record here. If you care to, please call me to discuss.

  3. Laurence has done a lot for the city and taken NO credit for it. Like taking his own time and money to paint over tons of graffiti in the city.Rene only cares about Lake Worth as his stepping stone on the way to Washington. That "higher office" is what the Cuban community is grooming him for.His Dad was pissed off at him last year because the Dad wanted Rene to run for office at a state level,not waste his time in a local race.I spent countless hours campaigning for Rene last year.I was really fooled.Look,Rene has absolutely no honor.For the last year ,he has run around town selling himself to the highest bidder.If Rene is elected, by this time next year I think a lot of people will be regretting the fact that they voted for a real phony.
