Sunday, November 22, 2009

Graffiti/Trash in Tropical Ridge

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  1. I'm very disappointed in the people that live in Tropical Ridge! Why are they putting up with garbage and not reporting it ? They need to stop whining and crying and playing the victim.Get off of your bums and demand that the city clean up this junk! They all know that they can have the Sheriffs office come remove the graffiti, but I guess that they are too lazy to dial the phone.They can ask the other neighbourhoods (like my neighbourhood, ROLO) but I guess they just don't care. PATHETIC,TROPICAL RIDGE !!!!!!

  2. Kkss21, are you kidding me? As a resident of Tropical Ridge, I am *very* insulted by your comments. Tropical Ridge is not only the largest neighborhood association, but one of the most active. Please show me another neighborhood association that has such a well maintained and detailed website like

    There have been properties that residents have been complaining about for YEARS. Absolutely nothing has been done. Many of the derelict properties in Tropical Ridge are city owned and not maintained. Many others are in the process of being foreclosed on by the city due to hundreds of thousands of dollars in outstanding fines. This process can does not happen overnight. The association has an excellent relationship with the Sheriff's department, they regularly participate in our many crime walks, and they are just as frustrated with the lack of code enforcement in the area.

    The Topical Ridge Neighborhood Association regularly participates in the clean up and mowing of empty lots and alleyways that would otherwise be completely neglected. To say that the residents in this area don't care is not only naive, but insulting. Many of the homeowners (there is approximately 80% rental) not only have the code violation website bookmarked, but have the graffiti hotline programmed on their phones. FYI, the Sheriff's Dept. doesn't send a painter out 24 hours after a can take a few weeks for it to be painted over.

    Finally, the leadership of the association has gone so far as to meet with the City Manager, Susan Stanton, about the blight in the area. I won't go into the details of the meeting, suffice to say that Tropical Ridge was disappointed by Ms. Stanton's refusal to commit to any assistance by the City in cleaning up our neighborhood. It was disheartening, disappointing and frustrating at the brush-off the Association received.

    Kkss21, I invite you to attend one of the Association's meetings, held the first Monday of the month at the First Church of Nazarene, to see the commitment of our residents to making the neighborhood a better place to live. Plus, you owe us an apology.

  3. Below I’ve presented kkss21, Katie McGevern at (thank you to Cara Jennings for not blind-carbon-copying people on her emails) with an archive of information going back to May ‘09 that shows some of the documented events and activities that the “lazy” TRNA members have been involved with to better our neighborhood.

    Katie, you’re making statements about an organization that you have a long and generous history with. I’m surprised that you would say such things about your friends. I would go more into detail about the history behind the successful relationship that the TRNA and ROLOH have with each other but you already know about that. Your assistance with organizing our initial crime-walks and laboring with us in past neighborhood cleanups have gone far and above our expectations of a neighboring association member and the TRNA thanks you. However, your slanderous remarks are uncalled for.

    If you’re a reader not as familiar as Katie is with the TRNA organization, please take the time to read through our website at and see how you can get more involved and better informed about the issues that we deal with and the steps we’re taking to make Lake Worth a place that we can all be proud to call home.

  4. I believe that Katie was saying, be proactive. If the City or the Sheriff's Graffiti patrol is too slow or not responding to your complaints, get out there yourself and handle it. She said that ROLOH would help. Call on other associations to help. This is something where we all could pitch in. Laurence McNamara has done it all by himself for years. Perhaps Rene will carry the torch.

  5. Actually, Katie didn't say that at all. What Katie said is "Why are they putting up with garbage and not reporting it ? They need to stop whining and crying and playing the victim.Get off of your bums and demand that the city clean up this junk!"

    The TRNA has taken this course of action and we continue to do so. We also get out there and clean the messes up ourselves (see previous links to neighborhood cleanup initiatives). Katie has even helped with these initiatives and knows that we’re proactive. Moreover, I personally send you, Lynn, communications alerting you to the activities of the TRNA to clean up our neighborhood. You also know that we're proactive and are in constant communication with other associations. If you're unaware of this please speak to Robert Waples, the ROLOH association president, next time you see him and he’ll let you know more.

    McNamara does get out there and do things for his community; that's great. The only time I've seen him in Tropical Ridge was to give his stump speech though. I also hope that Rene, along with the city's commission, will help us fight the blight of our area. The involved citizens of Tropical Ridge will help as much as we can to facilitate this.

  6. Ryan-I talked personally with Katie before I launched her comment as it was strong. Katie has come on many crime walks on your neighborhood. This is what she said to me. Now, as far as McNamara is are not quite informed as to what he has done. He helped the entire city with the graffiti problem not just his community. He has been to your neighborhood many times painting over graffiti so I don't want him shortchanged for his community service. He has always done this with no thanks in mind.

  7. One more thing--Yes, I am very aware of all the work your NA does. I only posted photos to bring awareness to the problem there. Thanks.

  8. We do report crime, graffiti and trash. However we have current City leadership that is unwilling to help improve our neighborhood. We have both publicly and privately met and asked for help with our area of the City. I've never heard so many ways to beat around the bush and say no to every single suggestion. Our neighborhood is purposely left blighted so other neighborhoods can thrive. We continue the cycle of substandard housing for undocumented people so others may come and commit crimes against them and the crime goes un prosecuted because of the undocumented persons unwillingness to press charges. The people you helped elect promote chaos and continue to allow illegal activity within our neighborhoods.

  9. None of the people I have ever helped elect are for promoting chaos. I will say this. I am totally AGAINST illegal immigration and I think everyone knows how I stand on that issue. The reasons for The Mentoring Center are valid. I just don't happen to agree with those who voted for it--Clemens, Jennings and Golden.

  10. Ah.good to be home after a long day of examining other peoples insides. Now, didn't need "to track me down". Everyone ,except you ,apparently, knows who I am. I am a supporter of Cara,but I certainly do not agree with all of her views.My family and I have been on almost every publicised crime walk that you have had. I'm sorry that I can't place your name with your face.Anyway,don't hold your breath waiting for the city to do anything for you.I don't believe that your neighbourhood is being victimized by the city any more than any of the other neighbourhoods.We are all ignored equally.And Ryan,just because you don't agree with what I wrote,it hardly make it SLANDEROUS. If you guys decide to have a paint party,call the other neighbourhoods and we'll get it done.And Ryan, if you put as much energy into a paint brush as you do getting outraged over my comments,you will probably not need any of us to help you. By the way,is Vince still your president? He has not been returning e-mails.Also,just for you Ryan,I'll sign my name.Katie Mcgiveron,so that when you see kkss -bells will ring for you.

  11. Laurence McNamara has been doing grafitti covering all around town for 5 years.Many Citizens reporting to him saw it removed.When our L.W Police dept. was turned over to the Sheriff's Office he was notified that the Sheriff's Office has a task force attending this out of control problem.
    We now pay more for police service.
