Monday, October 12, 2009

"Winners" at tonight's Forum

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The room was packed with Varela supporters as well as Sharpe supporters. All seemed to like what they had to say and they did a good job. It is their neighborhood association so it was a comfort zone for them. I think William Coakley did great as did Laurence McNamara. If John Jordan gets one vote this election, I will be amazed. You need to know when to fold them. Javier is always interesting. I liked the candidates who said that they would be able to work with the present city commission. Sharpe wants to build bridges but said, in no uncertain terms, that she could not work with Commissioner Jennings.

Scott Maxwell won in District 1. Ron Exline had to leave early giving Scott a clear advantage. Scott was precise and to the point.

Wes Blackman won it in District 3. Jo-Ann Golden did not have a chance in this room and it got her off her pace early in the forum and she stayed on the defense. The neighborhood president even interrupted her at one point.

The 3 hours went quickly. My question was not asked. It was on the illegal immigration situation and The Mentoring Center. I guess it was thought not to be relative to South Palm Park. In actuality, it affects the entire city. Scott Maxwell had the courage to bring it up anyway.


  1. Lynn

    Who is the "neighborhood president?"
    Could you describe the nature of the circumstances that led him to interrupt the candidates response?

  2. Wait, bad assumption, I meant "him/her."

    More coffee. Now.

  3. I don't know his name but it came out that he was involved in the Varela campaign. The question had to do with would you raise taxes as the present commission did? Golden said that property values were down 24% and they had to raise taxs to meet budget. That's when the NA president interrupted her to let her know that she was addressing their NA, not the whole city, and that property values went down over 40% in South Palm Park.

  4. This neighborhood has some of the nastiest people in all of Lake Worth living there. They think that they are BETTER that THOSE PEOPLE west of Dixie. They don't want to have anything to do with really helping out the entire city.Would this neighborhood lend a hand to any of the other neighborhoods ? Not on your life. Going door to door on several issues in this neighborhood was terrible . I encountered terrible rudeness,unlike all other parts of the city.Katie Mcgiveron
