Friday, October 9, 2009

What candidate is the cause of all the For Sale signs?

If you really want to know the cause of all the For Rent signs, the For Sale signs and the Foreclosure signs, look at developers and all their friends. Look at the Planners. Look at the financial institutions. Look at the mortgage brokers. Look at the Realtors. Look at real estate lawyers. These are the people who continue to push for new development and pushed for home loans and home sales that were based on hot air. Look what happened when the bubble burst? Voila! Signs all over the place.

Commissioner Golden works for the Lake Worth Community Development Corporation. The aim there is to provide attractive and affordable housing to folks with low and moderate income. Read how this not for profit has placed families in houses, by upgrading existing housing stock thus changing a blighted area to an attractive place for someone to call home. The CDC managed to increase the tax base on E Street by $1 million.

Click here for the CDC's accomplishments. Commissioner Golden is a part of that success. Truth matters.

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