Friday, October 2, 2009

West Palm Beach water being used as a campaign attack

In order to clear up the West Palm Beach water issue and fairness to Commissioner Golden from her opponent's charge--

The most important paragraph from yesterday's article in the Post regarding West Palm Beach's water is as follows-

Officials insist there is no danger to human health, since the wastewater treated at the East Central Regional Water Reclamation Facility, off Roebuck Road, does not feed directly into the city's drinking water system. Instead, the wastewater is used to top off wetlands that are drawn down when the city activates emergency pumps next door that are used to supplement the city's water supply.

"We don't see any human health or environmental concerns with what we've seen in the data," said Lisa Self, the environmental officer with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection assigned to help the city correct the plant's operations.

When the Commission elected to buy water from West Palm Beach it was for emergency use and to take a little pressure off our well field. It was zero cost to us other than the price of water per mgd. The County would have cost us originally $24 million, which they later reduced to $8 million in order to even buy a lesser amount of water.

Those drinking West Palm Beach water or bathing in it can be assured that all is safe.

Commissioner Golden voted correctly--ZERO COST to Lake Worth or spend $24 million. Remember this on November 3rd.

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