Monday, October 5, 2009

Understanding your Audience

Scott Maxwell, Candidate Commissioner District 1

I thought all of the candidates did well tonight. They all had great things to say and had their speeches down pat but it was Scott Maxwell who talked on point throughout his entire four minutes. He remembered where he was...a neighborhood association that is in crisis mode and very upset that they are under siege with crime and code issues. Scott gave them what they wanted to hear. "Code Enforcement will be one of the first things I address when elected," he said.

You have to understand your audience. Time and time again when I have run into Sylvia and Shannon they have told me that they don't care about Sunset; they don't care about the beach. They care about all the crime and blight in Tropical Ridge, their neighborhood. Every thing is secondary to that. And that is human nature. We know we have many problems in our City but it is those problems close to home that we all want solved first. Candidates have a tendency to look at the big picture and issues that they feel are the most important when all along it is really about what the voter finds important.

Scott knew that tonight better than any other candidate.

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