Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trampling on the rights of free citizens

We are all getting stupid these days. We think it perfectly all right to offend anyone for anything. It seems that anything goes. We can't stop the extreme Islamics in Chicago, oh no. Freedom of speech is ok for those who want to bring down our country but for the rest of us, we put up with those trampling on our rights and our beliefs all day long with the excuse, this is America...what else can we do?

We get people right in our face every day and when we have a different opinion; it is not polite discourse we receive--it is down right belligerence or tossing around the race card and/or constant argument from those who believe that their opinion is infinite. There are probably people sitting out there who challenge Ann Coulter on anything and everything she writes just because she is vocal, a woman, a different political party or because they hate her guts. It doesn't take much to turn some people on to the fight about anything. Can't wait to hear from the NRA people on my guns article.

Radio stations have banned a song by Diamond Rio...too controversial and political it was said. This is not the song but I thought it was good to hear on this Sunday morning.

Now I ask you, are we not one nation under God as the Pledge to the Flag says? Only atheists that believe we are just one big accident as well as anarchists or those wanting to bring down our country believe otherwise.

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by a Baptist minister and, would you believe, a Socialist. President Eisenhower incorporated the word God into it in on June 14, 1954. This is what he said:
These words [“under God”] will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we must remain humble. They will help us to keep constantly in our minds and hearts the spiritual and moral principles which alone give dignity to man, and upon which our way of life is founded.
I am not particularly religious in the formal sense of the idea but I do believe that we were not some big accident. There is something greater than ourselves. It also doesn't mean that the laws of our land should not be followed or that citizens have to be subjected to someone else's harassment, crimes, lies, or abuse.

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