Tuesday, October 27, 2009

To Betzy Rega

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In today's newspaper, Betzy Rega says that three of our candidates are anti-immigrant. This is the biggest, bold-faced lie and smear yet. None of these candidates are against immigration. What they are not happy with, Betzy, is the fact that these immigrants are coming to Lake Worth ILLEGALLY. Betzy, what is it you don't understand here?

What the majority of the CITIZENS of Lake Worth WILL understand after reading this letter is that these three candidates will WIN VOTES because of your blatant lie.

Betzy, you have said that we are "one nation under God" and that is true but you seem to forget that we are a nation ruled by laws, not what is right and wrong to your definition. Betzy, you believe that these people have constitutional rights and you are disappointed when anyone takes a stand on their illegal acts. On August 1, 2009 Betzy wrote to TCPalm and said, "Laws are not just because they exist."

El Sol does NOT shine nor does The Mentoring Center in Lake Worth.

Betzy's letter below--

Letter to the Editor 10-27-09

Lake Worth candidates are anti-immigrant

In next Tuesday's Lake Worth election, three candidates are anti-immigration, therefore anti-human rights. They have decided and have been very vocal that if they win they will close the Lake Worth labor center. This will not only be a step backward for the community in creating unity and harmony, but it will most certainly be an invitation for a major lawsuit.

I have had the pleasure of meeting and hearing Scott Maxwell at an anti- immigration meeting. I was not impressed with his stance. The words that I recall clearly are "We need to make them feel unwelcomed so they leave." These are not words of a leader who will promote growth or a sense of community. Loretta Sharp and Wes Blackman are just as vocal and plan to divide the city of Lake Worth.



Editor's note: Betzy Rega is a member of Reform Immigration for AMERICA and the Florida Immigrant Coalition, and Director of Sunshine Artworks, a division of El Sol Jupiter Neighborhood Resource Center.

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