Monday, October 19, 2009

This Campaign is as dull as a year old razor blade

For some reason I have not felt any excitement about this entire campaign season. Perhaps it is because I am not walking every street in this city this time around as I have always done in the past. There is very little passion, and over all, there is nothing but dullness…certainly no melodrama other than Lake Worth's “Kanye,” of course…can’t forget him and the politics behind his bull. But one thing that I do know is, the people in this city have been screwed for so long paying one of the highest tax rates around, not only on ad valorem but on everything.

We continue to waste money. We continue to lose MONEY. How do we do that? The Internal Auditor was essentially fired. For what-- Reporting on the facts and the horrible results of this past Audit. I can’t even get a copy of his report. The City Clerk’s office says it does NOT exist. Surely it does. He got paid for something, didn’t he? This morning I was told that they will check with Finance or the City Manager.

We do have a copy of the External Audit and it “ain’t” pretty folks. There has been a lack of oversight of our capital assets in excess of $150 million. That is a fact no one can deny.

Recently a candidate for Mayor said that he wanted to bring people together…and then in the same breath said that it was just like high school here…and once he is mayor, those main camps will be outside and out in the cold. Hopefully whoever is elected can mend the big divide and not leave anyone out in the cold and listen to some of us who are crying “foul” and find out where the missing money is.

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