Tuesday, October 27, 2009

They all take the cake!

A lot of these candidates take the cake in one way shape or form. I said that this would be a nasty campaign and in my opinion, it is the nastiest one that I can remember. I was even pulled into it by forces that consider me a threat with the sole purpose to discredit. I hope that the best man or woman wins but I honestly have my doubts for Lake Worth.

There is too much corruption. There is too much of the "good ole boys" that want to win back the power in order to continue the waste. They have the money but want more at the expense of our city. They are spitting mad about the recent Comprehensive Plan height changes. They see dollars out of their pockets. They are also concerned that an "unfavorable" commission could result in the taking over of the CRA, a board with way too much power and one that has always advanced their development agenda.

On the other side, there are too many "progressives" that feel comfortable with Lake Worth being a sanctuary city and have ruined it. They believe that laws are for the other guy or even worse, they want to eradicate police powers. Until we get normalcy back and take it away from these groups that have been in control and we get more conservatives in power, I don't see how we can rise above the ashes.
  • Hardest campaign worker: Laurence McNamara
  • Best campaign fliers: Rene Varela
  • Most innovative campaign advertising: William Coakley
  • Most interesting or someone you would not want to miss: John Jordan and Loretta Sharpe
  • Best speaker: Scott Maxwell
  • Best catchy message..."Throw the Bums Out"- William Coakley and "I don't need on the job training" - Ron Exline
  • Most optimistic and positive: Jo-Ann Golden
  • Most desperately wanting Change: Wes Blackman and William Coakley
  • Best campaign Radio Show: William Coakley (I’m prejudiced and it’s my blog)

  • Most “green” and biggest idealist: Javier DelSol

  • Most laid-back, matter-of-fact and casual: Ron Exline
  • On top of the facts: William Coakley and Laurence McNamara
  • Totally fearless: John Jordan

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