Thursday, October 8, 2009

Still a Punk - Nathaniel Brazill

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Nathaniel Brazill is back in the news. He wants a new trial. At the age of 13, he killed his teacher, Barry Grunow, at Lake Worth Middle School, because he was mad at something. He was an arrogant punk and a cold blooded murderer. It doesn’t matter about his age; he knew exactly what he was doing, but at the time, he got off with a very light sentence because of it.

Brazill is now 23 years old and he claims that he didn’t get a fair trial back then…his lawyer was incompetent. He got a 28 year sentence for taking a life…too long, according to Nathaniel. He hasn’t learned anything in these nine years. He still has no remorse. Nathaniel should leave well enough alone. What would serve him right would be a new trial and the jury sentence him to life because when he gets out in 19 years, he will be no different than he was then.

He’s still a punk.


  1. whoever wrote the above comment has no heart and is quick to judge. There are young white kids out there who kill and they get less time in jail than Nathaniel brazill. people need chances in life. People are too quick to lock up black people in jail and throw away the key. Put yourselves in his shoes, if it was you wouldn't you want the judge and juror to give you a second chance at life? have a heart and think with your head and conscience. What he did was very wrong and he is paying for his crime, but he should not have been tried as an adult. You are not God to say that if and when he is let out of prison, that he is going to be a hard core criminal. What are you God?? Stop pretending to be God. We need to stop looking at black people as animals. Sorry about what happened to the white teacher, but then again he is dead and he cannot feel pain,the white teacher cannot come back to life and live his life. nathenail is alive, he made a mistake and i think that he deserves a second chance at making a better life for himself.

  2. You probably missed my reply to you, "Justice" on March 3, 2010--

    Copy and paste that.
