Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ron Exline

Always with an infectious smile and someone you can't help but like, Ron Exline spoke before owners of Murry Hills Condominium Association this morning which consists of 518 residences, a significant voting block.

He introduced three of us from Save Our Neighborhood Political Action Committee and gave us credit for forging ahead during years of adversity, law suits and Lake Worth politics. As everyone now knows, the Sunset decision was finally decided from the dais on a 5 to 0 vote. Prior to that, petitions were blocked by then city attorney Larry Karns and Save Our Neighborhood filed suit.

The outcome of this recent commission decision protects the Lake Osborne Heights neighborhood of over 400 homes as well as all of Murry Hills. What could have been towering condos looking down on their property and what we thought was a totally inappropriate land-use and zoning change will now stay as single family homes. This is a candidate that wants to protect the single family neighborhoods throughout Lake Worth.

Ron, a former city commissioner and mayor of Lake Worth, talked about the Utility and other important issues and his perceptions of the problems we have. He says, "I know where the bodies are buried." He then took questions from the audience. Ron is asking for your vote on November 3.

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