Thursday, October 22, 2009

Political Endorsements

Comment & correction from Wes

Have you noticed anything peculiar about this campaign versus any in the past, other than it being quiet, that is? Certain things come to mind for me—

  1. More groups want to have forums
  2. More groups want to have interviews
  3. More groups want to be recognized as important forces

Does this suggest that more people actually care about who might get elected and that they actually have open minds? Or is it all about finding that perfect robotic candidate, one that fits into their mold as to what is acceptable.

What about the Realtor Group giving an endorsement to Rene Varela. Is this possibly true? He isn’t involved in real estate. Maybe he has a distant uncle who is a Realtor in Miami or something. Maybe he wants to build high as does Wes and Scott who also got their endorsement. What happened to Loretta who actually is in real estate and wants to build high? Did she get an endorsement? You can bet that any candidate that wanted to retain our small town charm was culled.

What about Compass interviewing candidates? They are all into their own agenda. What about that $600,000 loan? Did any candidate ask "what loan?" I hope anyone who was interviewed knew who Kevin Jennings is. Maybe they were better off if they didn’t know.

Then we have the Christian Coalition forum. They didn’t ask one question pertaining to their agenda which is far right of right. They didn't even ask about guns. I can tell you that they know who Kevin Jennings is...probably called in the NRA.

Union endorsements are all political bull. It is about who you know and who lobbies behind the scenes for you—how much the candidate B.S's to the panel about worker rights being more important than the rights of the average citizens that pick up the tab. Convince the Unions that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread and that you will sacrifice your first born to get them a raise and more benefits-- and you are in.

I think that the Sierra Club got it right.

1 comment:

  1. ----- Original Message -----
    From: Wes Blackman
    To: Lynn Anderson
    Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:45 AM
    Subject: Endorsements

    Compass did not interview candidates. It was the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council. Compass offered the use of one of their rooms for the interviews.

    I am not for "building high."
