Monday, October 26, 2009

Playhouse Forum - It's all a Show

What the PB Post says about the Lake Worth Commission candidates

Commission race:

If the winners of last night’s candidate’s forum were determined on the ability of public speaking, then the winners are obvious in the Commission race: Scott Maxwell and Wes Blackman. Overall, Wes did the best to turn any question around to what he wanted to say. Scott also has that ability. Ron Exline and Jo-Ann Golden did a good job speaking to the issues.

Mayoral race:

If the winners are picked by who brought the most supporters or the loudest even going so far as to bang on the theater walls, the winners are Javier DelSol and Rene Varela.

The Playhouse seats 300 people. These are the people who always vote in Lake Worth and these are the people who care the most. Whether these 300 people can turn the election in their favor remains to be seen. This is free entertainment Lake Worth style and it's always a show. It's always the same people who show up and come to this forum and some of these candidates do not fit into any faction...and that might be a good thing. The question is, do they have a chance to be elected?

The Environmental Coalition and some of the Green Party were there to support Javier. Actually he spoke well. I don’t want to be forced to live with illegals, however. John Jordan has the guts to say what a lot of people believe. I have no problem with diversity but why is it that I must be the one fitting into their culture and not vice versa? The Mentoring Center is a disaster and a disgrace. Just admit it. Look at our city...that's all it takes.

Our City Manager, Susan Stanton, was sitting next to me and she got an ear full last night particularly on Code Enforcement. Bill Coakley asked the question about one faction's concern about Lake Worth becoming a "police state" thus the elimination of our code enforcement officers. I still believe that there has been a lot of quid pro quo and Stanton is doing her best in a City in crisis. If there is a better way to clean up the slum, blight and crime, let us hear about it. No one has given us the remedy other than Javier who says we should "educate." The ship is sinking. We are way past education.

Bill Coakley looked and sounded good. Laurence McNamara was on his game. Loretta got better as the night went on. John Jordan always adds some spice to the mix. Thank God he tamed it down from last year's performance. Rene Varela was clearly annoyed at the demonstration in front of the Playhouse brought on by the report that he is involved with a company that captures wild dolphins for re-sale. He had wind of this and was prepared for any adversity. His supporters were present. Everyone should send a message here…buy this Florida license tag.

Dr. Chris McVoy demonstrating by holding a Dolphin balloon

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