Thursday, October 15, 2009

Owner might not know the Facts

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Does this mean this owner is against this candidate because

  • He introduced Save Our Parks Charter Amendment to protect our public land
  • Chair of Save The Waterfront and Town that saved Old Bridge Park from a high-rise condo development and now, along with his wife, celebrates people's victory over the last 5 years by funding free 4th of July barbecues
  • Was Vice Chair of the Mayor’s Climate Protection Task Force
  • Saved our public beach from a flim-flam man
  • Chair of Citizens Come First who successfully saved two-year terms and runoff elections
  • Paints over gang graffiti at his own expense and time
  • Was proven correct when he said that our casino was structurally sound and to restore it to its 1921 style
  • Has a 40 year record on the environment
  • Believes that we need to reach out to all citizens
  • Says 100 foot heights in Park of Commerce good
The next time you see these owners, perhaps you should set them straight.

Does this mean this owner is against this candidate because

  • She was the driving force for the City to get out of FMPA, our expensive power source
  • She pushed to go forward on our own RO plant thus being independent and in control
  • Control of our public beach by ending Contract with Greater Bay
  • Approved site plan for beach to finally go forward
  • Wants to keep reasonable building heights and small town charm
  • Wanted to take back our CRA for outlandish spending
  • Voted to put Charter amendment on the ballot to save our beach from dredge and fill
  • Is for affordable housing, the environment and civil rights


  1. Laurence McNamara

    -He introduced Save Our Parks Charter Amendment to protect our public land
    --Good Job!

    -Chair of Save The Waterfront and Town that saved Old Bridge Park from a high-rise condo development and now, along with his wife, celebrates people's victory over the last 5 years by funding free 4th of July barbecues
    --This is a park? It looks more like a parking lot that the city is to cheap to tear down. I think that most of our citizens would agree that the "Old Bridge Park" should be tore down and disposed of just like most old bridges are in this state. Larry can cook hot dogs for everyone in his backyard instead.

    -Was Vice Chair of the Mayor’s Climate Protection Task Force
    --What were his accomplishments in this position exactly?

    -Saved our public beach from a flim-flam man
    --"Flim-flam man" -- Is that a common term that we're supposed to know? By the way; our beach SUCKS! Do you really think that the beach would be less profitable for the city if the flim-flam man would have gone through with his plans than it is now? Do you think that the beach property would look worse that it does now if the flim-flam man got a hold of it? That would be tough. I think the answer to both those questions is no.

    -Chair of Citizens Come First who successfully saved two-year terms and runoff elections
    --Two year terms and runoffs are part of what makes this city government a joke. Do you think two years is enough time to implement what really needs to be done by anybody? I believe that two year terms lead to officials going after short term goals instead of long-term ones just to make them electable again.

    -Paints over gang graffiti at his own expense and time
    --We all do this. When living in a ghetto, you don't really have a choice but to do so.

    -Was proven correct when he said that our casino was structurally sound and to restore it to its 1921 style
    --Your first point "casino was structurally unsound" took the third company to survey the property to say that. I can find you someone that thinks you're a fair and balanced blogger who only states the facts if I ask around enough. Regarding your second point about Larry being proven correct about restoring the casino "to its 1921 style;" how does one become correct about an opinion? There are plenty of us who hate this idea and no definite plan to do so yet. I think you're jumping the gun.

    -Has a 40 year record on the environment
    --This is kind of like your empty statement about Larry working with the mayor. I have a 32 year record with the environment; I've been living on planet earth for that long, breathing its air, polluting it with my car, swimming in its ocean... I'm pretty awesome I guess. Maybe I should run for mayor?

    -Believes that we need to reach out to all citizens
    --Uhhh... Are you serious? Do you think that other candidates want to be the Mayor of Lake Worth so they can rule the second poorest city in all of Palm Beach County and shut out the citizens to keep all that power and money to themselves?

    -Says 100 foot heights in Park of Commerce good
    --The park of commerce has absolutely no plan to be built out currently. Does anybody except for McNamara and those two jokes that we call commissioner Jennings and Mulvehill care about height limitations? Come live in my neighborhood for a week and then tell me if you give a crap about height limitations. You'll want to hire the code enforcement crew back in triple and get a body guard. There is no growth in this dumpy city, why is everyone planning for it all of a sudden?

  2. Thanks Jim for your thoughtful and in-depth analysis of Laurence McNamara and all that he has done for the City.

    We all know who the joke really is here.
