Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nature's Way or Anarchists' way?

Hand written "CLOSED" sign on the door

I spoke with the owner, Gary Dario, of Nature's Way this morning regarding the threat of boycotting his business and the many calls he received yesterday from Lake Worth's "social justice" citizens. It seems this group got wind that candidate Scott Maxwell was having a fundraiser there. The owner did not know Scott prior to this campaign event.

Mr. Dario said, "I have had it between the City Commission and the CRA. Commissioner Jennings' call was the icing on the cake to close my business. What can I do when a city commissioner threatens me?" It was rumored that he was going to close anyway but this was the last straw. Business owners have the right to make a living. An owner of a business next door who has been here for 17 years said that is why he will not even allow a political sign in his window... too hot in Lake Worth! The right of conducting a legal business doesn't sit well with some folks.

Approximately 2pm yesterday, Commissioner Jennings had called Mr. Dario and alerted him that Scott Maxwell was a racist, against immigrants and a white supremacist. She went on to say that she would quit coming to his store and tell everyone she knew not to do business at his restaurant if he planned on allowing Maxwell there...that he was not the type of business they wanted in Lake Worth.

Following her call, the owner took a barrage of calls. He finally put the answering machine on. I have been told that the local media, including television, will be following up on this as well as the State Prosecutor.

The right to conduct a business in Lake Worth is difficult enough but when you have people in power who bully shop owners in this fashion, it goes beyond what is decent and beyond what is constitutionally right. Mr. Maxwell is not a racist nor is he any of the descriptions and epitaphs credited to him by Cara Jennings and her supporters.

Scott Maxwell said, "there are some folks in this city that just don't want me to be commissioner."

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