Monday, October 5, 2009

Narcissistic Ibis, a Lover, not a Fighter

Young Ibis at Lake Osborne

This young Ibis has no clue as to what is happening to his habitats all over Florida. He has no idea that government, the body that is elected to watch out over him and all of us on this Planet, are making dreadful decisions.

This time it is not development he must fear. The dump on 45th Street will be completely full by year 2024. The County must look for another location to dump garbage. People, because of the high cost of living, the economy and lack of jobs, are not moving to Palm Beach County in droves as they used to. Enrollment in our PB County Schools has dropped for the third straight year. Even James Addison moved to North Carolina, unable to live comfortably here anymore. And we still have a lot of garbage.

The County is looking at a potential dump site next to the South Florida Water Management treatment marsh west of 20 mile bend that will affect the Everglades. Ibis and other birds usually love dump sites but with this site experts say expect more phosphorous levels and they want another site. Karen Marcus wants to delay the decision until next year and swap land with SFWMD for an environmentally safer area. The Solid Waste Authority is ready for the fight.

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