Monday, October 19, 2009

Former Utility Employees file suit

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Mayor once again opens mouth and inserts foot.

"The whole thing was a hoax perpetuated by Bill Coakley as far as I'm concerned," Clemens said.

Coakley was the chairman of the city's former Electric Utility Task Force and is a candidate for mayor. He said Clemens' comments show "how out of the loop he is" about power plant security problems.

Read more about it HERE

1 comment:

  1. Four adult professionals do not risk their reputations and jobs for nothing. Even if this was "a hoax",if an employee sees something that they think is suspicious,they definitely should bring it to the attention of their superiors. Instead of being thanked, these guys got fired.Nadine Burns. What a gem . Nadine betrayed the Green party she said she represented the moment she was elected. Nadine Burns, the Garbage Can Queen,who brought us all the attractive cans that we now get to see around town. Nadine Burns, who voted to destroy an entire neighborhood for the benefit of three out of town property flippers.Nadine Burns ,who tried to give away Lake Worth Beach to a con man who could have been exposed with one phone call,if anyone in City Hall had had the brains to make that call.Nadine Burns, who quickly ducked out of politics when it was rumored that the FBI was coming to town.Masilotti would have been proud
