Friday, October 23, 2009

Election time in Lake Worth

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The "Kanyes" of the world, a name I have been using of late, is a metaphor that describes all those who lie to achieve an end and are what is wrong with it...what's wrong with Lake Worth. At election time we see more of them come out of the woodwork. If someone knocks on your door for a candidate or if it is the candidate himself, ask the hard questions. Ask them what they will do for you.

Former Commissioner Nadine Burns says we are either not on our meds or that we are paranoid or just plain "lunatics." She used these adjectives regarding those of us who spoke out on the security breach at the Utility. These are typical words by the opposition and ALWAYS what the opposing side says that has had its way with Lake Worth for far too long. They are ticked off that they are out of power. They make personal attacks with NO solutions. These are people who made bad decisions from the dais along with their friends and continue doing so to promote their political agendas.

I remember when some of these people were telling us that we had to demolish the Casino building...Look out for a law suit when the building comes falling down, they would say that the rest of us were "crazy." We always knew they were full of it.

In just a week's time we will have the opportunity to elect some smart and thoughtful people. Remember when you go to the polls, it is not the candidate who says what you want to hear but it is the candidate who has a performance record--one who has spoken, written or even voted on the most pressing needs of our city to ensure its health--people who have exposed waste and corruption...people who stick their necks out every day... and people who really care about you and the City of Lake Worth.

Truth does matter and it should go hand in hand with common sense. By now you all should know the ones who deserve your support--not the ones spouting hot air.

The major Forum of the election season is on October 25th at the Lake Worth Playhouse. Come on down at 7pm and give all these candidates your enthusiasm and support but vote for those who really can make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn

    Just wanted to rifle off (no, my kitty doesn't have a sniper scope) a quick note letting you know that I think your recent posts about the election have been right on the money.

    The nature of the jerks (and it is their nature, just like the fabled scorpion) over at the message board can sometimes draw any of us into exchanges that don't serve our interests.

    Your recent messaging about the election, has been measured, appropriate and productive; and most of all, historically sound. I'm hoping we can depend on the engaged wisdom of our community, to abort a destructive trip back in the time machine.
