Thursday, October 29, 2009

E-mail from Annabth Karson - press conference to spew HATE against a local candidate

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Lake Worth Candidate Scott Maxwell Linked to Hate Groups; Press Conference Today

Religious leaders, human rights organizations and residents call Press Conference to expose candidate’s ties to hate groups and affirm Lake Worth as a City of racial diversity and tolerance


Thursday October 29, 5:30 pm at Martin Luther King Memorial. The public is invited to arrive at 5 pm

Corner of M Street and Lucerne Avenue, Lake Worth

Contact: Lisa Stewart 561-540-8913

Candidate for Lake Worth City Commission, Scott Maxwell has been cited as supporting hate groups on his recent radio programs called “Connecting the Dots on Illegal Immigration”. Audio archives of the radio program confirm Maxwell’s ties to the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) a recognized hate group by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) who track neo-Nazi and other hate groups.

On his July 30, 2009 radio show on WBZT 1230 Clear Channel Maxwell refers to the hate group FAIR as a “wonderful organization” and encourages listeners to contact them for “advice” and to access them through the link on his website. The link to FAIR remains on Maxwell’s website to this day.

Scott Maxwell is growing a large national following, including members of the Minutemen, a right-wing border militia, who call into his radio show and commend him for his work. His website boasts over 800,000 visitors. Archived audio of his radio programs can be found at Maxwell’s recently blocked website at

His racist comments have been transcribed

Lake Worth Resident and member of Palm Beach County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, Adam Davis, responded to the news about Maxwell’s affiliations saying, “Lake Worth is one of the most diverse cities in South Florida. We are proud of our diversity and will organize against hate groups in our city. Every person deserves universal human rights, regardless of their skin color or country of origin.”

The SPLC added FAIR to their list of organized hate groups due to their ties to known racists and a long track record of bigotry. According to the ADL’s September 2009 data, FAIR accepted over a million dollars from The Pioneer Fund, a group that has been described by The New York Times as having been established for the express purpose of promoting research into eugenics, and which has sponsored projects based on the notion that Blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites. The ADL has also noted that FAIR has on its National Board of Advisors an editor of VDare, a ‘white nationalist’ group whose web site features the work of well known racists and anti-Semites.

At today’s press conference, speakers will address Scott Maxwell regarding his ties to hate groups and to express the need for guaranteed universal human rights for all residents. Speakers include Lucio Perez of the American Friends Service Committee, Dan Liftman of Congressman Alcee Hastings office, Bob Louis Juene of the Haitian United Task Force. Representatives will also be present from the following groups: Equality Florida, Palm Beach County Coalition Immigrant Rights, Friends Quaker Meeting. Other concerned business owners and community members will also be present.

PBCC student Genia Guirand who will be attending the press conference added, “We ask Scott Maxwell to address our concerns about his working relationship with hate groups such as FAIR. Maxwell has hidden the truth. As voters and community members we deserve to know about his affiliations with hate groups.”

Candidate Scott Maxwell has also been invited to attend


Thursday October 29, 5:30 pm at Martin Luther King Memorial

Corner of M Street and Lucerne Avenue, Lake Worth

Contact: Lisa Stewart 561-540-8913

Media Contact:

Lisa Stewart



  1. Tuesday said...

    Scott Maxwell should not even be considered for city commissioner of lake worth. Maxweel is obviously full of hate and we had enough of that the last decade in the U.S.- let's keep it out of Lake worth.
    October 29, 2009 6:17 AM

    Lynn Anderson said...

    Tuesday--Why not change your name to Sunday and start going to Sunday School. You might learn what HATE really is. You might learn to actually get to the truth. It is what this web site is all about...HATE. Get smart. What are you about 12 years old? Or better--are you really an illegal alien? One of the two is surely it. This is the only hate going on--this blog and those who twist everything around to their sopcialistic agenda.
    October 29, 2009 2:07 PM

    Karri said...

    Lynn is ABSOLUTELY right about HATE being what this web site is about. Shame on all of you that are supporting this. How disgusting that you are promoting this sham and trying to convince others to buy in to this malarkey.
    October 30, 2009 9:20 AM

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am re-posting this because the url did not print in full-
    The above post came from the blog--

  4. I am not going to vote for Mr. Maxwell,but it is not because I believe he is filled with "hate".I am going to vote for Ron Exline because I believe Mr. Exline has a much better handle on the critical issues facing Lake Worth.What is wrong with calling illegal immigrants illegal? They ARE in our country illegally. Until the federal government changes their status, they are criminals,subject to the laws of this country. Period. This has nothing to do with if you feel "sorry" for a person or not. It is what it is.The mentoring center broke it's promise to the people of Lake Worth- they said they would stop all soliciting from the street corners. This certainly has not happened.This is a problem that should be solved at the county level,not put onto only the backs of the Lake Worth taxpayers.I do believe that the majority of the taxpayers in Lake Worth are sick and tired of being the labor camp dump for the entire county.I am. Katie Mcgiveron-not a hate filled radical,just a realistic freak
